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Dr. Amir Nourbakhsh

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Dr. Nourbakhsh is specialized in interventional pain management with a focus on regenerative medicine. He went to medical school locally at Western University in Pomona, California. He then finished his residency in anesthesiology at New York Medical College with emphasis on regional anesthesia, before returning home to Southern California.

He is a board-certified anesthesiologist and one of few physicians in the region who is certified in ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal pain medicine. Skills earned in operating musculoskeletal ultrasound gives the doctor much better precision in accessing target structures while eliminating the unnecessary need of radiation from x-ray fluoroscopy machines.

What also separates Dr. Nourbakhsh is an emphasis on regenerative aspects of pain treatment vs. the traditional method of steroids and anti-inflammatories. His specialized method of extraction of regenerative and growth factors from patients’ own blood, combined with high procedure precision, provides a superior therapeutic outcome.

Dr. Nourbakhsh has performed over a thousand of regional acute and chronic pain procedures. He is a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.